Wenhao Zhang’s Homepage
I completed my doctoral degree in Computer Science from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in May 2023. Throughout my Ph.D. program, I served as a graduate student researcher (GSR) at UCLA’s Center for Smart Health, focusing on medical data analytics, causal inference, cloud computing, and IoTs. Under the guidance of Dr. Ramin Ramezani, my advisor (whose webpage can be found at http://web.cs.ucla.edu/~ramin/), I conducted research in these areas.
Before joining UCLA, I pursued two Master of Science degrees, one in Computer Science and another in Electrical Engineering, at the University of Southern California (USC). During my time at USC, I collaborated with Prof. Kai Hwang (whose information can be found at https://sse.cuhk.edu.cn/en/content/8523), who currently holds the position of Presidential Chair Professor in Computer Science and Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Shenzhen, China. Additionally, Prof. Hwang serves as the Chief Scientist at the Cloud Computing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences. My research at USC primarily focused on cloud computing and IoTs.
- [02/2025] Our paper Holistic AI analysis of hybrid cardiac perfusion images for mortality prediction has been accepted by npj Digital Medicine(IF: 15.4, 2021). Congrats to Anna, Aakash, Piotr, and all the coauthors.
- [02/2025] Joining the School of Sensing Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiaotong University (QS world ranking: 45th) as an Assistant Professor in May 2025.
- [09/2024] Barry L. Zaret Young Investigator Award @ ASNC 2024 for the work Automating Revascularization Decision Support: Clinical Application of Artificial Intelligence.
- [11/2023] Started as a postdoctoral scientist at Slomka’s lab at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
- [5/2023] Passed my final defense exam!
- [12/2022] One journal paper accepted by Scientific Reports.
- title: “Temporal convolutional networks and data rebalancing for clinical length of stay and mortality prediction”.
- [9/2022] One conference paper accepted at the conference The 17th IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks.
- title: “Range of Motion Sensors for Monitoring Recovery of Total Knee Arthroplasty”. Best paper honorable mention.
- [7/2022] One conference paper accepted at the conference The 4th International Conference on Computing and Data Science. Best paper award.
- title: “ECG Heartbeat classification using deep transfer learning with Convolutional Neural Network and STFT technique”
- [6/2022] One chapter accepted in the book Handbook on Computer Learning and Intelligence.
- title: “Causal Inference in medicine and in health policy, a summary”
- [5/2022] One Journal paper accepted at Journal of Medical Internet Research.
- title: “Physical Activity Behavior of Patients at a Skilled Nursing Facility: Longitudinal Cohort Study”
- [12/2021] Passed my oral qualified exam!
- [9/2021] One Journal paper accepted at Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery.
- title: “The derivation of an ICD-10-based trauma-related mortality model utilizing machine learning”.
- [1/2020] One conference paper accepted at The Web Conference 2020. See you in Taipei.
- [10/2019] One conference paper accepted at IEEE BigData 2019
- [07/2019 ~ 09/2019] Research intern at Alibaba Group, Hangzhou, China (advised by Keping Yang)
- [07/2019] One journal paper published at JMIR mHealth and uHealth (IF: 4.3)
- [05/2019] Passed the Written Qualifying Exam!